Sandhya Kumar’s films seek to unearth the poetry and beauty of everyday life. Coloured Glass Films is her award-winning studio that produces documentaries, experimental shorts and commissioned works.
Hockey in my Blood is a film about hockey in Coorg, told through the story of the Kodava Hockey Festival, a tournament played between the families of Coorg.
Memory of a Light is a visual essay on nostalgia for the childhood house. What makes the experience of the first home so unforgettable?
Could a song be full of love, and yet banal and trifling? O Friend, This Waiting! reflects on the entwined fortunes of Kshetrayya's love poems and the devadasi women they were written for, while dwelling in the performance spaces of temples and courts of the 17th century Nayaka kings
Akshara Foundation launched 'Together, we can', campaign in 2012 to highlight success stories of anganwadis and government primary schools in Karnataka and the necessity to replicate such models throughout the state and the country.